Upcoming Events


I hereby invite each of you to come to the magical realm of Dragon's Breath Circle! This will be an opportunity to share the spark of our fire with one another, for many sparks create a powerful light!

October 2018 we will gather for a gratitude circle. To enhance our ability to prosper in these "interesting times" we will first release what no longer serves us. We will then bless and celebrate all that we are grateful for including our dear Gaia, her creatures and our fellow human beings. We will culminate with a transfiguration ceremony -a radiant ritual of healing with balanced, compassionate Light!

When: Friday 10/26/2018, 7:00-9:00 pm
Where: Dragons Lair, Springfield Oregon. Please call me for details at: 541-746-4192.
Bring: Yourself, your drum and/or rattle, a blanket, a small jar of water, fliers about your business or upcoming events for networking & warm socks as we maintain a shoe-free space. Bring some finger food to share if you wish :-)

Please feel free to invite others as we spread the healing spark of compassionate balanced light to one another and beyond... (I have extra drums and rattles to use as needed. )
Suggested donation towards expenses: $5.00

Wendy EagleWolfe, LCSW

Do you nurture body, mind , emotions and/or spirit of your patient’s/ clients /loved ones?
Do you give and give often being asked to do “more with less” as you become weary?
In this workshop you will receive powerful tools from: Shamanism, Energy Work, Jin Shin Jyutsu & Stress Reduction Modalities to maximize your energy and wellness in these "interesting" times.
In a supportive small group, learn techniques to achieve the following goals:

  • Identify areas where you are out of synch with your aspirations.
  • Restore connection with your "true self."
  • Master 3 methods for recharging your personal batteries.
  • Identify 2 techniques of nurturing yourself while in the presence of challenging people.
  • Learn to quickly clear your mind.
  • Create a routine for de-stressing.
  • Remember that you are one of the people that you are meant to be caring for.

Please contact me so that we can work together to schedule this in 2019. 9-5:30, $109.00

Please Send checks payable to Wendy EagleWolfe: 1430 Willamette Street #195, Eugene, OR 97401. When you register (by check or by credit card) please provide your phone number and email address so that I can keep you updated of details related to the class. Location of convenient Springfield class location will be emailed to you with confirmation of registration. If a credit card payment is more convenient for you, please use the Paypal link below.


Meet Your Allies Workshop-Learn to journey for direct revelation and healing.

Learn to integrate time-tested skills used for thousands of years by Shamanic Practitioners to gain personal insights and to assist clients. In this workshop you will connect with your personal team of allies who bring a new perspective and fresh solutions to daily challenges. This team will support your work! Participation in this workshop will also teach you traditional shamanic "journey" skills opening a door to accessing Shamanic wisdom.

  • Meet helping allies to access the realm of manifestation.
  • Connect with a guide or teacher who will provide inspiration for you, your loved ones and your clients.
  • Learn how to connect with the help that is all around us ( our birthright.)
  • Invite compassionate contact with the hidden allies of your dwelling.
  • Communicate with your body elemental to enhance personal wellness.
Dates pending. Please alert me of your interest to assist in setting 2018 dates, 9-5:30, $149
Alliance with the Elements & Nature
We as humans are born of the Earth and the elements. In this workshop we will practice skills to enhance our connection with nature.
  • Learn how to deepen your connection with the land.
  • Identify which of the four directions you draw the most strength from.
  • Learn how working with your core direction can enhance your foundation on the Earth.
  • Learn what element you are most harmonious with.
  • Enhance your power as you deepen your personal relationship with the elements!
Dates pending, please contact me if interested and help to choose the 2019 dates! 9-5:30, $109

Chrysalis Class- an Exploration of the Veil Called Death
Day one will be used to explore our relationship with death and with the veil between the living and the dying.
Day two will deepen the exploration and will explore the shamanic practice of "Psychopomp"- helping earthbound spirits to be free to move on. In order to attend day two you must be comfortable with shamanic journey technique and have a strong relationship with your allies.
Day one - 11/3/2018, 9-5:30, $79.00
Days one and two- 11/3 & 11/4/18 $150
Wendy EagleWolfe reserves the right to cancel any workshop or training course, or the participation of any one at any time for any reason. In such a case fees paid in advance will be refunded.

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